Monday 12 December 2011

Homemade horror?

So, my assignment deadline is today and I have 450 words and referencing still to do. So what do I do? Decide to make a homemade face mask of course!!
My friends mum makes the most amazing green tea face mask that does wonders for my skin. So in my wisdom, I decided to try and make one myself by tearing open 2 green tea bags, squirting in some of my BOB BB cream and adding a little water. This is what happened . . . 

I look like a troll! Ok, the chunks of tea inside a teabag are waaayyyy bigger than i expected. Why are they that big??? That made it kind of difficult to apply. [May I add it was nothing like the mask my friends mum makes!!] It did make my pores cleaner and smaller though, so maybe there was some method in my madness. I might try this again but ground the contents of the tea bag down into a finer more powdery consistency which would be easier to apply and remove. I also did some googling and found out that you can buy green tea powder, maybe if I get this essay done I can go into town and look for some of that as it will be much easier than attempting to crush a teabag!
Now time to go back to boring essay writing :( lets hope I get it done by my 4pm deadline!
V xx

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